Al Muqaddimah is a biannual International, double-blind peer-reviewed journal of Arts, Social, Management Sciences and Law of Yobe State University, Damaturu, Nigeria.
The scope of the journal covers both the general and applied fields of Arts, Humanities, Social, Management Sciences and Law such as; Accountancy, Business Management, Commerce, Human Rights, Economics, Sociology, Geography, Entrepreneurship, Comparative Cultural Studies, Development Studies, Education, History, Home Science, International And Area Studies, Language And Literature, Philosophy, Physical Education, Women/Gender Studies, Public Administration, Population Studies, Human Resources Management, etc.

BAOBAB is a biannual International, double-blind, peer-reviewed journal of Science and Technology at Yobe State University, Damaturu, Nigeria. All the Research Papers and Articles published by the journal are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial License, which permits use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial, and the use is otherwise in compliance with the license.